#6. How can we write easily, quickly, and interestingly?

How can we write easily, quickly, and interestingly?

We always write. Even though it is not a book, we always write like reports, documents, and etc. So, it is a very close part of our life, but it always comes in as a burden. How can we write easily and quickly which can’t be separated in our life then?

The book ‘Unbeatable writing’ represents 40 knowhows of writing, and I would like to introduce 5 among them.

First, we have to write shortly, only in our understanding without any burden.

In the state of recognizing our ability, write easily without difficulty. If only we put ahead of our ambition with the burden of writing long, sooner the writing will become bored. Let’s write simply with all that we know already. Easy writing rather brings a bigger effect.

Second, the time before writing is more important.

A good writing doesn’t come from our effort and time we spend on it. It is more important that we read various articles and have a time of thinking before writing. It is writing at a breath if the theme is decided, behind the usual time with many readings and many thinking. Rather than just doing it passionately, it will bring more effective results.

Image from Pixabay

Third, fun for you is also fun for others.

Even if the writing seems interesting to you, it might not be the case for others. If so, how can you make others read your writing if you can’t make yourself ready it? At first, write what seems interesting for you. Through reading many books and articles, the level of fun of your writing will rise naturally.

Fourth, show your writing confidently.

Without showing it to others, your writing skill would grow much slower. The writing that people read will be evaluated in some way or other. In the recognition that it will be evaluated by others, your level of writing will improve when you accept whether that is a praise or criticism. Don’t be disappointed if the result of evaluation is poor. Attempt 10 times if there is 10% of the good comments, 20 times if there is 5%.

Finally, Ensure your target.

Write once you have the target. And also consider the influence that will be remained to your readers. There will be a greater influence if you already have a certain target.

I found the book by chance, and it is short to read within an hour, but the impact was not small. I believe it is meaningful if we can write a good writing and affect others. I recommend this book to those who want to change the life through writing.

– Solomon Trans