#1. ‘Knowing the unexpected truth makes the life deeper’ The reason to travel by Young Ha Kim
I really wanted to ride a plane going outside the country since I didn’t have the experience until I was 30. Then maybe it was time. I started to go to different countries here and there and on my hands, there were several passports full of stamps.
So, when I saw the book called ‘the reason to travel’ the title was so attractive and I decided to the buy it. First, I didn’t know about the writer Young Ha Kim but his words were funny and easy to read. I was amazed about his skill to bring out deep meaning from simple things and read the book without knowing the time passing by. Especially the first part of ‘deportation and travel sickness’ was most impressive.
The writer decided to finish his book in China so reserved a hotel and paid for it and also the food and got his luggage and left. But as soon as he arrived, he was deported. And the reason was that he didn’t prepare his visa. Now the Korean passport allows to go to 188 countries without visa but China is not on the list. So, he paid a big amount of money for his flight back and lost all his money on hotel and food. And coming back home, he realized the ‘unexpected truth’.
“But this kind of wind is only possible when it is unexpected so it is impossible to desire it from the beginning. The waking up moment comes along when it is unexpected.”
Then what was ‘the unexpected truth’ that he realized? I think what is important is that the fact that he finished his book well though he had unexpected moment of truth and also because that he wrote this wonderful book, he became loved by many people.
When we travel, or live our life we make the perfect ‘desired plot’ and start it but in real life, we experience unexpected results. And those unexpected results are called ‘the moment of difficulty’ and this is something so dangerous that can destroy a person’s life. But there is no reason to be disappointed because it is not the end.
An essay book written by Jo Hun says that ‘Every wall is a door’.
“When a person experiences a slump, he can grow bigger. And he becomes stronger inside when he just standstill rather than running. Maybe it is same as achieving our goal. Because to achieve it, we work hard and put much effort for a certain period of time,”
In life, we experience a wall that comes rarely or often. During those moments, don’t be disappointed but fill your life with meaningful things because it is the perfect time for you to grow to be a better person.
In the book, among the 17,925 players who were drafted to the pro-league in 2000 to 2001, only 7.4% was allowed to play in the major league. Though our life seems like the 92.6% players, we need to make a new ‘desired plot’ in front of the wall. When we diligently do it, we will get to realize the ‘unexpected truth’.
I want to read this book ‘the reason to travel’ again with people who is making the ‘desired plot’ even today and starting their journey in life. Thank you.